Chris “Citrus” Sauthoff
Coach Chris has been playing music since the mid-1970s and has a vast amount of knowledge on the subject. He began with the Violin and then moved to fretted stringed instruments such as guitar, bass, sitar, uke and banjo. He studied music in college for a while but then went on to study with masters of music instead. Living in India for a year to study the sitar and touring with the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers “George Clinton and the PFunk All-stars” for 15 yrs. He retired from the road in 2007 and has been teaching people of all ages music of all styles and genres.
Chris now offers lessons through Denver Fencing Center.
Weekly lessons are available in both 30-minute and 60-minute time slots.
Book a music lesson:
Call: (303)922-7288